Lauri Boxer-Macomber recently joined the Bike Law Network, a group of attorneys throughout the United States and Canada who regularly advocate for the rights of bicyclists in the courthouse, at the legislature and on the roadway. Lauri is honored to be able to work with this group of talented attorneys who share her commitment to ensuring that bicyclists are given access to justice and are treated fairly in the legal system. She is also pleased to be able to offer her own insights and experiences working on bicycle cases over the years with other attorneys in the Bike Law Network. Lauri works with racers, triathletes, children bicyclists, commuters, recreational riders and others on their bicycle cases. She not only understands bicycling law because she is an attorney, but because she is a cyclist. Lauri has handled a wide range of bicycle cases, including those involving right hooks, unsafe left crosses, dangerous travelling distances, three-foot law violations, uncontrolled dogs and more. She is also on the Board of the Bicycle Coalition of Maine and Chair of the Coalition’s Policy and Legislation Committee. For more about the Bike Law Network and Lauri’s bicycle practice, visit: Bike Law Network